100-Day Adventure with MrBeast

United Trends Mr Beast Welcome to United Trends Explore the latest trends in fashion, beauty, technology, and lifestyle. Stay ahead with the trends that unite us all! Discover the latest fashion trends Explore beauty tips and tricks Stay updated on cutting-edge technology Enhance your lifestyle with our recommendations Watch Full Story 👇👇👇👇👇👇 Click Here © 2023 United Trends. All rights reserved. Suzie and Bailey's 100-Day Adventure with MrBeast A Tale of Resilience, Friendship, and Holiday Magic Beginning of the Big Adventure Suzie and Bailey kicked off their grand adventure with simple desires – the yearning for tasty food seasoning, a warm cup of coffee, and some good ol' entertainment. These wishes served as the cornerstone for what would become a remarkable 100-day saga. Little did they realize that their journey was about to evolve into something beyond their wildest dreams. Facing Big Challenges Together As the days unfolded, Suzie and Bailey found themselves facing

Survive 100 Days In Circle, Win $500,000

Survive 100 Days In Circle, Win $500,000

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  • Challenge Setup: The Giant Circle
    • Location: Middle of Nowhere
    • Duration: 100 Days
    • Survive 100 Days In Circle, Win $500,000
    • Reward: $500,000
    Day 1: Entering the Circle
    • Random Subscriber Selected
    • No amenities or supplies initially
    • Countdown for 100 Days Begins
    House Drop: A Unique Shelter
    • House dropped into the circle
    • Contains food, clothes, and supplies
    • Shower drainage issue noted
    Family Goodbye: Emotional Farewell
    • Shawn bids farewell to his family
    • Emotional moment as the challenge begins
    Editor-in-Chief Transition
    • Katharine Viner succeeds Alan Rusbridger
    • Transition in 2015
    • Change in newsprint format to tabloid in 2018
    Global Expansion: Guardian's International Presence
    • Online editions for Australia, New Zealand, and the U.S.
    • Guardian Weekly publication
    • Print circulation statistics as of July 2021
    Readership and Political Alignment
    • Guardian readers associated with left-wing views
    • Stereotype of a "Guardian reader"
    • Historical nickname "Grauniad" due to typographical errors
    Trust and Credibility: Ipsos MORI Poll (2018)
    • Highest trust score for digital-content news
    • Poll by Publishers Audience Measurement Company
    • The Guardian's print edition most trusted in the UK
    Digital Dominance and Monthly Reach
    • TheGuardian.com and international websites
    • Digital reach exceeds 23 million UK adults monthly
    • Declining print circulation addressed by digital presence
    Reflections on Journalism Impact and Future Prospects
    • The Guardian's role in shaping public opinion
    • Challenges and opportunities in the evolving media landscape
    • Commitment to maintaining trust, relevance, and influence

  • I laid a giant circle

  • in the middle of nowhere, and
  • this is a random subscriber,

  • and if he stays in the circle

    for 100 days,

    I'll give him $500,000. Step inside the circle, and the 100 day counter will start. The timer is ticking. He has to survive in this circle for 100 days. - There's nothing here. - There's nothing yet. Chris! - I'm about to drop off a house. - This definitely gives me more confidence. - I bet you didn't know you could lift a house with a crane. - I've had zero training. Wait, which one's the gas again? - Whoops. Look out for the stairs. - You know what? Actually. - And inside this house is all the food, clothes, and supplies he needs to survive 100 days. - Oh, no. - This could have been a lot worse. - Oh, my God. - So, this is Shawn's family. I wanted to let you guys get one final goodbye in before he started the challenge. Aw. - No pain, no gain, Dad. - You guys will be here when I walk out of that circle with a half a million dollars. - I believe it. - But I'm gonna miss you guys. - Aw. - I'm gonna cry a little bit. - The video just started, and it's already emotional. Good luck. $500,000 is on the line. - To be honest, it's a little emotional, but 300,000 calories, 100 days, I've got a plan. Get the food organized, clothing figured out, figure out a way to keep my mind entertained, and I know if I walk out of that circle, I will regret it forever. One night down, 99 to go, let's go get organized. All right. Strategy session number one, I got to figure out what I got, how much I got, and what I'm gonna do to organize it. - This is all the food you're getting for the next 100 days. So, if you eat all this in the first, let's say, 50 days, you're done. - It looked like a lot more food until I started condensing it down. Shawn. - Hello. - We have over a dozen cameras monitoring his every move 24/7. If he steps on that red line, we will see it. What do you think the hardest part of this challenge will be? Solo failure. No one beats me. I didn't get outplayed. - He's still talking to us, and we're outside the trailer. - Being in my own head. - Hey, Shawn, I think they walked away. - God, I hate them. Because Chris dropped my house so perfectly, my shower doesn't drain. Huge shout out, Chris, really appreciate 100 days of dealing with this. It is cloudy. So, it's a perfect day to get outside and try to plant some vegetables. Oh. I got to pay attention where I'm walking. 'Cause if I walk across that, game over. That red line is death. If I touch it, it's over. So, I'm gonna take the wood out back and create kind of like a secondary line. All right, now I got my beautiful circle. - Shawn. - Come in. - How's it going, man? - Doing good. - Wait a minute. Is this a Cheerio? This is all you get for 100 days. You're wasting a Cheerio. - All right, yay. - Wow, it is really stale. - I'm shocked at how fast Shawn is developing a routine. It is officially day 10. Sorry I'm dressed like this. I just gave away a chocolate factory. Shawn is nowhere to be seen on these cameras. Shawn, are you pooping? - What? - Oh. Okay, he didn't run away. - Yeah. Bro, how you doing? - Good, good. - Give me a hug. - All right. - Wait, so you're tracking your weight. - I'm weighing in every seven days. - So, you're trying to just be jacked by the end. - Yeah, so I mean, at the end of it, I'll be ripped and $500,000 richer. - Your wife's gonna love me. You seem to be doing really well. I'll see you in a month. - A month? I think he's kidding, but he's probably not. I'm gonna try to build a garden today. I'm gonna try to replant it away from that crazy red line. One of the things I plan on doing with the money is to put my farm 100% on solar power. My farm will be like a giant Tesla. That's the dream. That's what we're trying to do at the homestead. Can't wait to get out and get my money, and I'm gonna go on a nice vacation for a while I think. Whoa, Jimmy just told me there's a tornado watch. Are you gonna leave the circle for the severe weather? I'm like, I'm from Oklahoma. Whoa. There's no way that tarp is worth a half million dollars. Oh yeah, here it comes. My poor money's blowing away. Okay, I'm going inside. I have water peeing from the ceiling, but my toilet won't flush because I'm guessing the tank out there is full of water from the rain leaking into it. Can you guys see that gentleman behind us? He's been in that circle for 16 days. - That's longer than you went without eating, bald guy. You didn't have to bring up that video. - Have you seen your second floor yet? - No. I've been trying to get up there. - It's a bit steep. - Hey, Jimmy, you're bald. - Yeah, I'm just gonna stay out of it. I feel like if I stay in here, they will bother each other and not me. - Since the boys were being rude, I'm gonna leave them trapped. - We want out. - I will bring the ladder back if you just apologize. - Let us out. - We want out. I think we're ready to get out. - I want an apology. - I'm sorry you're bald. I'm sorry I called you bald. - Was it that hard? - Yeah, it hurt. So, the boys made quite the mess of my house yesterday. My yard is now covered in glass. Very frustrating. - I'm worried this challenge might be getting to Shawn. - Would you come into my house and screw with stuff? I don't think so. ♪ Someday I'm gonna be ♪ Oh. Thing just smacked me in the nuts. ♪ So, more, more money, more me ♪ How you doing, Chandler? - I'm scared. - I would be too. We installed that Ferris wheel in two hours. - Get me down. - Shawny. So, for you being 25% done, we brought you a carnival so you can enjoy the day. - This is awesome. Nothing but net. Aw. Bruh. - Oh. First throw. There we go. Oh. - This mini game isn't very fun. - Oh, my gosh. I'm so terrified of heights. You're 25 days in. Do you still think you're gonna make it the full 100? - I can't see why not. This competition's a huge sacrifice. I only get so many summers with my kids, right? Before they're gone and out of the house. So, that's tough. So, I was organizing all my clothes and as I was going through it, I started finding little notes. They're from my daughter, my youngest. I have four kids and a wife, and this will be the most alone I've been in 18 years. Rationing food, survival is gonna be rough, but if anything makes me walk out of here, it's gonna be the loneliness. I just don't want to think about it. All I know is Gordon Ramsey, he ain't got nothing on me. - Because I only gave him 300,000 calories of food, Shawn really had to think about how he rationed it, which led us some pretty interesting choices. - So, this may be my first bad one. It's just a bunch of leftovers boiled for safety. - It's disgusting. - Very cabbagey. There's a camera above me. I'm not sleeping naked during this 100-day challenge. Jimmy, just know I did that for you. Just to spare you from my nakedness. This morning I heard, hey, Shawn, there's a spider in your bed. My bed is now flipped over. I'm leaving the circle. This is my last day. You know you've been here a long time when living inside of a circle in a Mr. Beast video seems normal. Day 39, it's Father's Day. I kept waking up thinking I was home. Really missing my family. This is gonna be a tough day. - And what Shawn didn't know is that I brought his family to the circle to surprise him for Father's Day. Shawn, I have a present for you. - Oh, yeah? - Happy Father's Day. - Daddy. Daddy. - Almost makes me feel bad for trapping him in here. They didn't really consult with me. They just brought a present, and I'm not about to tell this little girl she can't give her a dad a present. So, I caved, and here you go. Oh, okay, I approve of this here. - Oh, my gosh. - Not only did they give you a gift, but they also get to spend the next 24 hours with you. No way. You guys are gonna be so bored. - Are those my drawings on the fridge? - Yeah, those are your drawings on the fridge. - What is this? - Nice. I didn't think you would keep these. - Oh, it's the wife. Ah. - It had nearly been a month since Shawn saw his family. So, I decided to give them some privacy until the next day. - Well, it must be nice to be able to walk out of the red circle. Yep. - Really appreciate it, Jimmy. That was the best. - It's a new day, and Ryan is here, who traveled across America to give me this penny. - Hey, guys. - Shawn, I'm coming in. - Come on in. - Do you know what he's carrying? - A penny. - Do you know why he's carrying this penny? - My kids told me all about this. You're bringing it- - Oh, wait, really? - Yeah. - Oh, no. I'm gonna give it to you for entertainment. - Really? - Here you go. Tomorrow is day number 50, and we have a big surprise for him, but don't tell him, okay? - Okay. - Okay. - Okay. - All right, later, Shawn. - Yay! - It is officially day 50 of Shawn surviving in the circle, and I invited some of my YouTube friends to celebrate this special moment. - It's us, his YouTube friends. - I need a break. Shawn. Shawn, what day is it? - 50. - Exactly. In front of you is $100,000 in cash, and if you get out right now, I'll let you keep it. - No. - What, why? - 100 grand? I can just chill here and get another 400. - It's like you're enjoying this. - All right, what if it was like 150 grand? Would it still be enough? - I think like above 400, I would think about- You're crazy. 400 grand? Okay, well, in case you did say yes, I invited a marching band. Bring in the marching band. - 50 days. - Do you want to know what the best part about this is? I paid them to be here all night. Good luck. For the first 50 days, I wanted to see if Shawn could make it. - I've done this, right? I've done 50 days. For the last 1/2 of this challenge we have some pretty crazy stuff planned. - This is probably something you'll never see. - Oh, my God. - Oh, crap. - Honestly, I didn't think it was gonna end like this. July Fourth, day 54. Happy birthday, America. - You guys ready? They're lighting 'em. They're lighting 'em. Go, go. Happy Fourth of July, Shawn. What if he got out right now? - Got to watch out for the circle. - Go inside. - Please- - Bro, I just bought random fireworks. I didn't know they were that crazy. - Oh. - Cease fire. Cease fire. I can't even see- Oh, fuck. - Oh, fuck. - Was that a good show or what? - Yeah, it was incredible. - Honestly, we should become firework experts. - Yeah, dude, I basically am. - All right, Shawn. More importantly, it is now July 5th, which means we need to leave. - Yeah. - No more fireworks. - We're not gonna celebrate anything on July 5th. - Okay, thank you. I'm a little terrified of what Jimmy comes up with next. - Did you say you're terrified of what I'm gonna come up with next? - Yes. - Do you want me to just leave you alone for a month? - No, that'd be even worse. - Okay, see you in a month. - Oh, no. - No, you did this, Shawn. - Another month? That's like almost all the days that are left. Here's the aftermath. There's multiple times where I was way too close to the edge. You got to watch out for the circle. So, I'm thinking about digging a moat. And if Jimmy's really not coming back for 30 days, I should have an entire moat built by time he gets back. Today, I ate a can of mixed vegetables and a can of turkey. I didn't even heat it up. Food is going to be an issue. This is meat, and it smells. and I've kind of tapped out the things to do inside the 60-foot circle. I dug a moat, made a garden, made a fire pit, which is too hot to use, made like a fence around the back, and made a hammock. So, I'm just here existing. I don't feel like doing really anything. So, I'm just going to sleep. That is Shawn's house, and I haven't been there in 30 days. Let's see if he's still alive. Just kidding I check in on the cameras every single day. I know he's alive. Looks like he dug a moat around the circle. Let's see how he's doing. - Hey, man. - Hey. - Did you miss me? - Yes. - Well, does it feel refreshing? - Like I'm seriously shaking. - You're that excited to see us? - Yeah, no, definitely. - Wow. - I didn't- - I had no idea that not visiting Shawn for 30 days would affect him this much. - No. - You do look much thinner. Did you lose weight? - I'm 22 pounds down. - Wow. We've done a lot since you last saw me. What did you do? And this is my storm window, and I sit here, and watch the storm come in, and listen to the lightning. - Proud of you. - Thank you. - Things are about to start ramping up. The last 10 days are gonna be crazy. - What'd you say? - Don't worry about it. - Honestly, I thought that 30-day challenge was kind of like my hard challenge, but it sounds like he's not done with me, which is a little concerning. - Shawn, what's the best way to cut a cake in 1/2? - With a knife. - Okay. What's the best way to cut a house in 1/2? - Oh, shoot. - Look, he keeps checking all the windows to see if we're gonna cut the house in 1/2. Look at that. He's gonna be so confused until I return tomorrow. - So, I was calling Jimmy's bluff on this, but then I just look outside. - I need you to cut it in 1/2 and get rid of that 1/2. - They're legit gonna cut my house in 1/2. - I just learned how to drive this five minutes ago. Shawn, I just want to tell you that it's only gonna get harder. - That's what I'm worried about. - No. - Wow. Wow. - Yo, watch out. - Oh, my God. - I didn't think this would actually work. - Am I good? - You're good. - Oh, my God. In a couple days we may or may not just burn the house down. If I do anything, I'll let you know beforehand. - Okay, yeah, thank you. That was a rough day. It's nine days to go at this point. I don't even care. Don't even talk about how long I've been here. Well played, Jimmy. Well played. I'm staying. So, it's officially hotter in my room than it is outside at this point. - Shawn, I will give you a quarter of a million dollars if you get out right now. You know, it's hot. I want to give you a way out. - It is so hot. It's like 100 degrees today, but I think I'd rather die than give up on this challenge at this point. - Really? - Yeah. - Well that was all. I'll see you tomorrow. - Oh. - I give you guys full permission to go full idiot mode. - Charge. - Oh, there's nothing going on up there. Don't worry about it. - Chandler must be here. - Oh no, no, no. - I think I should go check on what they're doing. - What? Over there? - Yeah. These windows are kind of- useless. - Yeah, but nothing hurts you more than emotional damage. - Wow. - Oh. - Thanks for the entertainment, boys. See you tomorrow. I guess they're giving up. Here they come to get their fancy cameras. This is probably something you'll never see on the YouTube side. - And now the circle is surrounded by speakers. - The worst part is it stops every once in a while and goes, it goes, oh, and then it kicks right back on. Maybe if I knock them all over flat, I can fill the speaker with water. If I never eat processed food again, I think I might be okay. Hot. Oh, my God, hot. - All right, do you all see that house over there? I want you to surround it in a circle and say nothing. Break. Should I be scared? - What the hell? - All right, attention, clowns. Nod your head if you can hear me. Okay, I'll give you all $1,000 each if you stay all night. - Wait, I'll give you 2,000 if you don't. - There's like 11 of them. - Oh, there's 11 of them? Oh, my goodness. - I'll see you tomorrow. - Well, guess what? There's still clowns out there. Little extra security there. - You have less than 24 hours left in this circle. So, we're gonna destroy your house with a wrecking ball to make it harder. - What? - Chris. - What? - Tear down the house. - All right. - Oh, God. And while Chris is destroying the house, I want to tell you guys about the sponsor of the video, Venmo. - Yeah. - Venmo is a quick and easy way for you to share money with all your friends. 10s of millions of people already use Venmo to securely send- and request money from their friends for things like concert tickets, food, and much more. And the best part of all this is Venmo is free to install- and all our viewers that use code MRBEAST at sign-up will get $20 if it's your first time using Venmo. - And this time we're going through. - Just use this QR code, or click the link in the description to install Venmo right now, and it doesn't stop there. If you send money on Venmo and put beast in the payment note, you'll be entered into a chance to win $10,000. - Yeah, now that part of your house is gone now. - Oh! - Yeah! - Not only did we bring a wrecking ball, but we also brought an excavator. Take the roof off. - It's supposed to rain tomorrow. - Good. - Get it through. Yeah. - Demolition. - You can scan this QR code, or click the link in the description and download Venmo. Thank you so much for sponsoring our video, and that's it for the destruction. See you in 19 hours. - All right, sounds good. I'm gonna make a half million dollars tomorrow. Good night. Can you guys see the timer? There it is right there. Haven't seen them in a long time. Emotions are hitting me pretty heavy right now. Money's the thing we trade our life for. Given up a third of a year of my life for 1/2 million. Make sure you're trading your life for things that are worth it. - How are you feeling? - I'm so ready to get out of here. - Yeah? - Yeah. - Do you mind staying in this room while I set up the surprise? - I'm not leaving this room. I'm not risking getting out. - Okay. - It's got to be minutes now. I hear people outside. You can just hear it, just that background noise of 100 people talking. Wait, something's happening. - Everybody, it's time. Give me a countdown from 10. 10. Nine, eight- - What? - Seven, six, five, four, three, two. - Oh, my gosh. ♪ Shiny like a limousine ♪ Oh, my gosh. ♪ You're spinning like a cash machine ♪ - It has officially been 100 days. Step on the red line. - Are you sure? - It has been 100 days. - Okay. Let's go. This is over. - Daddy! - I missed you. Whoo! - Are you okay? - Yeah. - Are you excited? - Yeah. - Here's your check for a half a million dollars. - All right! - Everyone, give him a round of applause. - This has been an amazing 100 days. I am glad it's over though. - It's amazing. - I don't know what to say. - If you haven't already subscribed, it could get you in a video. Goodbye. ♪ Shiny like a limousine ♪ ♪ You're spinning like a cash machine ♪ - A lot of people say that me and Chandler can't do things, but we did that.
    Done did it.
  • - We did it.
